Bill C-11: A Step Back Overall for Privacy Protection in Canada says Federal Privacy Commissioner

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) is federal legislation that governs personal information held by private sector organizations in the course of for-profit, commercial activities across Canada. It also applies to personal information of employees of federally-regulated businesses including banks, airlines and telecommunications companies. On November 17, 2020, the federal government introduced Bill C-11, which proposes the enactment of the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (“CPPA”) and the repeal of Part I of PIPEDA. Bill C-11 can only become law after it has been approved by both Houses of Parliament and has received Royal Assent.

On May 11, 2021, the Federal Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Daniel Therrien, released a submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, which provides that the Commissioner believes that Bill C-11 “represents a step back overall from our current law and needs significant changes if confidence in the digital economy is to be restored.” The Commissioner emphasizes that Bill C-11, as drafted:

“would be a step back overall because the provisions meant to give individuals more control give them less; because the increased flexibility given to organizations to use personal information without consent do not come with additional accountability one would expect; because administrative penalties will not apply to the most frequent and important violations, those relevant to consent and exceptions to consent; and because [the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (“OPC”)]  would not have the tools required to manage its workload to prioritize activities that are most effective in protecting Canadians.”

The Commissioner’s submission on Bill C-11 provides over 60 recommendations, which he believes are required to help ensure that organizations can responsibly innovate while recognizing and protecting the privacy rights of Canadians. The Commissioner’s recommended changes are categorized into the following three themes:

Weighting of Privacy Rights and Commercial Interests

  • The Commissioner’s submission provides that Bill C-11 “arguably gives more weight to commercial interests than the current law by adding new commercial factors to be considered in the balance, without adding any reference to the lessons of the past twenty years on technology’s disruption of rights.”
  • The submission further provides that “it would be normal and fair for commercial activities to be permitted within a rights framework, rather than placing rights and commercial interests on the same footing. Generally, it is possible to concurrently achieve both commercial objectives and privacy protection. This is how we conceive responsible innovation. However, when there is a conflict, we believe rights should prevail.”
  • The Commissioner suggests 10 recommendations under this theme, including recommendations with respect to the inclusion of a human rights-based framework in the CPPA and amendments to the definitions of personal information, sensitive information and commercial activity.
  • Of particular interest is the Commissioner’s reference to Dr. Teresa Scassa’s description of a human rights-based approach to privacy protection. Dr. Scassa describes a human rights-based approach to privacy as “one that places the human rights values that underlie privacy protection at the normative centre of any privacy legislation. . . . it acknowledges the nature and value of privacy as a human right so as to give privacy its appropriate weight in any balancing exercise.”

Specific Rights and Obligations

  • The Commissioner suggests 22 recommendations under this theme, focused within three particular areas: consent and the exceptions thereto, organizational obligations, and individual data rights.
  • Consent and the Exceptions Thereto
    • The Commissioner suggests changes to ensure consent is informed and meaningful. The Commissioner also notes that while several new exceptions to consent are reasonable, there are two main concerns:“some exceptions are unreasonably broad; and the Bill fails to associate greater authority to use personal information with greater accountability by organizations for how they will use these permissions.” The Commissioner addresses these concerns by suggesting revisions with respect to the scope of socially beneficial purposes, publicly available personal information, de-identification of personal information and disclosure of personal information to law enforcement.
    • Of particular interest is the Commissioner’s assertion that “[t]he CPPA does not speak to format, content structure, or accessibility. Each of these is a factor that contributes to an individual’s understanding of how their personal information is being used.”
  • Organizational Obligations
    • The Commissioner suggests changes in Bill C-11 with respect to accountability, trans-border data flows and service providers, safeguarding, breach reporting and domestic service providers.
    • Of particular interests is the Commissioner’s suggestion that the accountability principle is not clearly defined in the CPPA, and that the legislation does not “provide protective measures such that the accountability of organizations is real and demonstrable.”
  • Individual Rights
    • The Commissioner suggests changes in Bill C-11 with respect to automated decision-making, the right to reputation and data mobility.

Quick and Effective Remedies and the Role of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

  • The Commissioner suggests a strong enforcement and oversight mechanism which should include access to quick and effective remedies for individuals and should provide the regulator with the legal mechanisms required to protect Canadians.
  • The Commissioner suggests 20 recommendations under this theme, including recommendations with respect to remedies, the rules of procedure and evidence in investigations, special cases of breaches, compliance agreements, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal, administrative monetary penalties, private right of action, the role of the regulator, the discretion to investigate, advising organizations on their privacy management programs, codes of practice and certification programs, amendments to rules which mandate the Commissioner to consider the size of the organization and other factors mentioned, demonstrable accountability and proactive inspections, proactive compliance audits, the prohibition on use of information provided by an organization, confidentiality and cooperation with other organizations and offences.
  • Of particular interest is the commissioner’s recommendation with respect to the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal. Here, the Commissioner has stated that “[w]hile the OPC welcomes oversight and accountability for our actions, we respectfully suggest that the new Tribunal is both unnecessary to achieve greater accountability and fairness (the Federal Court already plays this role), and counter-productive in achieving quick and effective remedies. In fact, all objective indicators show overwhelmingly that the Tribunal would unnecessarily delay justice for consumers. . . . In summary, there is no need to add an administrative appeal to ensure fairness to business when the Federal Court already plays this role, and as, at any rate, the OPC has an exemplary record in this regard. Moreover, adding a level of appeal can only delay the ultimate resolution of cases.”

In light of the Commissioner’s submission to the Standing Committee, Bill C-11 could undergo changes before it is passed, especially given Commissioner Therrien’s recent reappointment on June 4, 2021 for a one-year term. Organizations should pay particular attention to developments regarding Bill C-11 as changes may be forthcoming.


CISRO Seeking Input on the Principles of Conduct for Intermediaries

The Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organization (CISRO) recently released for comment draft Principles of Conduct for Intermediaries (“Principles”). The Principles are aimed at safeguarding the fair treatment of customers by intermediaries in the life & health and property & casualty insurance sectors by requiring that they conduct their business in a transparent and honest manner. Insurers are responsible for the fair treatment of customers throughout the life cycle of the insurance product, while intermediaries have oversight responsibilities to ensure that their employees and representatives meet high standards of integrity and ethics. While acknowledging that each jurisdiction has its own regulatory approach for the conduct of business, the Principles envision minimum regulatory conduct standards that are common across Canada regarding the fair treatment of customers. The Principles are intended to tie in with the Guidance on Conduct of Insurance Business and Fair Treatment of Customers (FTC), issued by CISRO and the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR). The Principles also align with Insurance Core Principles (ICP) of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ (IAIS).

Who Are Intermediaries? Intermediary encompasses adjusters, individual agents, brokers, representatives and business entities that distribute insurance products and services, including managing general agencies and third party administrators.

Who Are Customers? Customers may include a policyholders (or certificate holders), prospective policyholders with whom an insurer or intermediary interacts, or other beneficiaries and claimants with a legitimate interest in the policy.

The Principles shape professional behaviour and conduct expectations for the fair treatment of customers:

  1. Compliance / Outcomes: Intermediaries must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory codes to which they are subject to.
  2. Customers’ Interests: Intermediaries must place customers’ interests above their own, including when an intermediary is developing, marketing, distributing and servicing insurance products.
  3. Conflicts of Interest: Intermediaries must identify, disclose and manage any actual or potential conflict of interest pertaining to a transaction or recommendation. Intermediaries must avoid entering into agreements where conflicts of interests may obstruct the fair treatment of customers or cannot be managed.
  4. Advice: In order to comprehend and recognize customers’ unique needs, intermediaries must seek complete information from customers when providing them with advice.
  5. Disclosure: Customers must be provided with objective, complete, relevant and accurate information by intermediaries, so that customers may make informed decisions. Intermediaries must properly disclose relevant information to all necessary parties (including the insurer) and disclose information in a manner that is clear and comprehensible for customers.
  6. Product and Service Promotion: Intermediaries must ensure that products and services are endorsed in a clear and fair manner that is not misleading. Promotions should be easily understandable and disclose all necessary and relevant information.
  7. Claims, Complaints Handling, and Dispute Resolution: Intermediaries must handle claims, complaints and disputes in a timely and fair fashion.
  8. Protection of Personal and Confidential Information: Intermediaries must engage in necessary measures to protect personal and confidential information by: collecting only information that is necessary for the completion of the service or product provided; use and disclose information only for purposes and for the duration for which the customer has consented; and comply with all applicable privacy legislation for information management.
  9. Competence: Intermediaries must preserve an appropriate standard of professional knowledge to ensure the fair treatment of customers. Continuing education obligations must be met and duties must match the level of training and education provided. Intermediaries must not misrepresent their level of competence or conduct business beyond their threshold of professional knowledge and experience.
  10. Oversight: Intermediaries with contractual or regulatory oversight responsibilities are accountable for the conduct of any employee or third party involved in the distribution or servicing of insurance products. Policies and procedures, training and control mechanisms must be utilized by intermediaries in their oversight roles to ensure the fair treatment of customers.

CISRO is seeking feedback on the proposed Principles from a wide range of stakeholders, including the insurance industry and consumer advocates. Respondents should submit comments to by July 9, 2021.

OSFI Publishes List of Near-term Guidance Priorities and Anticipated Timeframes for Release

OSFI’s Strategic Plan focuses on cultivating the readiness and resilience of federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs) and federally regulated pension plans (FRPPs) to financial risks and non-financial risks that could potentially adversely affect their financial condition. In light of the Strategic Plan, OSFI recently published a list of the guidance that it anticipates releasing in the near term. Below is a summary of all of the guidance that OSFI intends to release which relates to insurance companies.

Risk Management Guidance

Industry Letter on Climate-related Risks
• Summarizes feedback received on OSFI’s Climate-related Risks Discussion Paper issued in Q1 2021 and setting out OSFI’s proposal for future climate related risk initiatives.
• Timeframe: Q3 2021

Industry Letter on Technology Risk
• Summarize feedback received on OFSI’s Technology Risk Discussion Paper issued in Q3 2020 and sets out future guidance initiatives
• Timeframe: Q2 2021 (Released on May 10, 2021)

Industry Letter on Operational Resilience
• Seeks views on integrating new Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Principles for Sound Management of Operational Risk and Principles of Operational Resilience into OSFI’s guidance
• Timeframe: Q3 2021

Final Guideline B-2 on Property and Casualty Large Exposure
• Establish OSFI’s expectations with respect to large exposures of property and casualty insurance companies
• Timeframe: Q4 2021

Final Guideline B-2 on Insurance Practices and Procedures
• Establish OSFI’s expectations related to reinsurance practices
• Timeframe: Q4 2021

Develop Guideline on Technology/Cyber Risk
• Develop OSFI’s expectations for technology and cyber risk management
• Timeframe: Q4 2021

Draft Revised Guideline B-10 on Third Party Risk
• Develop OSFI’s expectations for third party risk
• Timeframe: Q1 2022

Industry Letter on Advanced Analytics and Model Risk
• Develop OSFI’s expectations for advanced analytics and model risk
• Timeframe: Q1 2022

Consultative Document on Culture and Reputation Risk
• Develop OSFI’s expectations for culture and reputation risk
• Timeframe: Q1 2022

Capital and Accounting Guidance

Discussion paper on the Assurance of Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns
• Develop OSFI’s expectations on assurance of Deposit-Taking Institutions and insurance capital, leverage and liquidity returns
• Timeframe: Q2 2021 (Released on April 13, 2021)

Draft Guidelines on Assurance of Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns
• Develop OSFI’s expectations on assurance of Deposit-Taking Institutions and insurance capital, leverage and liquidity returns
• Timeframe: Q4 2021

Final Guideline on Assurance of Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns
• Develop OSFI’s expectations on assurance of Deposit-Taking Institutions and insurance capital, leverage and liquidity returns
• Timeframe: Q1 2022


Semi-Annual IFRS 17 Progress Reporting
• Insurers reporting to OSFI on IFRS 17 implementation progress
• Timeframe: Q1 2021

Final IFRS 17 Regulatory Returns
• Regulatory Returns reflecting impact of adopting IFRS 17
• Timeframe: Q2 2021 (Released on April 30, 2021)

Draft LICAT, MCT, MICAT Guidelines for IFRS 17
• Cover updates to the capital frameworks for insurers triggered by IFRS 17
• Timeframe: Q2 2021

Semi-Annual IFRS 17 Progress Reporting
• Insurers reporting to OSFI on IFRS 17 implementation progress
• Timeframe: Q3 2021

Consultation on Draft Methodology for Determining Capital Requirements for Segregated Fund Guarantee (SFG) Risk
• QIS 5 and public consultation of the draft Chapter 7 of LICAT (i.e. the draft standard approach) and SFG-related regulatory returns
• Timeframe: Q3 2021

The timelines listed above are reflective of the current OSFI strategic plans as of May 6, 2021. Plans may be subject to change or amended here.

Respondent Feedback to OSFI Technology Risk Consultation

On September 15, 2020, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (“OSFI”) published a discussion paper, Developing financial sector resilience in a digital world. The paper examined the risks arising from increased technological advancement and digitalization, in light of its potential effect on Canada’s financial sector. OSFI invited feedback regarding a variety of technology-related risk areas, with an emphasis on cyber security, advanced analytics, and the technology third party ecosystem. A diverse range of stakeholders including federally regulated financial institutions (“FRFIs”), industry associations, technology companies and consulting firms submitted their feedback. OSFI provided a brief summary of responses by stakeholders and plans to release draft guidance in the future. The full text of OSFI’s results summary publication can be found here.

A brief summary of the responses by the stakeholders includes the following:

Operational Risk & Resilience

Within the larger sphere of non-financial risk and operational risk management, technology risks are effectively managed when included in a firm’s enterprise risk management program. Effective operational risk management (“ORM”) leads to operational resilience, and technology is fundamental for such operations. However, while existing ORM approaches are appropriate, there are still opportunities to bolster practices.

Technology and Cyber Security

Emerging principles-based and technology-neutral perspectives in which definitions, concepts, and expectations comport with existing guidance and accepted international standards is most suitable for technology risk management. However, there is room to improve OSFI’s existing guidance. In general, emerging risks can be effectively managed within the larger sphere of technology risk and management. This requires quantum readiness through collective action by government, industry, and academia, and OSFI needs to continue engaging in these efforts.

Advanced Analytics

OSFI’s proposed principles of soundness, explainability and accountability are suitable for addressing emerging model risks, including those posed by artificial intelligence (“AI”) and machine learning (“ML”). However, there are areas where OSFI should deliberate modification to bolster its principles. Moreover, human review and oversight of AI and ML models is important. In any event, “[a]ny new model of risk guidance should remain risk- and principles-based, technology agnostic, and aligned with other jurisdictions and existing industry standards.”

Third Party Risk

Technology-related Risk
Technology-related third party arrangements should be deliberated as part of OSFI’s planned review of Guideline B-10 rather than as separate guidance. Likewise, any cloud risk management provisions could be integrated into Guideline B-10 rather than as a separate guidance. However, certain expectations regarding technology-related third party arrangements should be replaced with more outcome-based principles.

Proposed Principles
There was a split in the feedback regarding the additional principles as many respondents suggested changes to the descriptions or proposed additional principles, while other respondents believed that the proposed principles sufficiently depict current and emerging risks.

FinTech Arrangements
OSFI should consider FinTech arrangements like other third party arrangements because of the consistency between the inherent risks posed by these firms and other third party providers. However, OSFI should wait until the regulations pursuant to FRFI statutes on FinTech networking are completed to avoid overlap.


Existing regulations offer adequate coverage on data risk guidance for FRFIs, so OSFI need not create additional data risk guidance. However, OSFI should consider the Basel Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (“RDARR”) principles as a foundation for any additional expectations that could pertain to all FRFIs, outside of systemically important banks.

Key aspects of data risk include quality, security and privacy, and data risk intersects with other risk areas including cyber security and models. Material data risks can occur from utilizing poor quality data, data misuse, outages or breaches – all of which cause operational disruption or reputational damage and financial loss.

Watch for any further updates on OSFI’s website, which can be accessed here.

New Brunswick Proposes Restricted Insurance Agent Licensing Regime

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick recently published a Consultation Paper titled Incidental Selling of Insurance Restricted Insurance Licensing Regime. A complete copy of the Consultation Paper is available here.
In the Consultation Paper the Commission has indicated that it proposes to regulate the incidental selling of insurance through a restricted insurance licensing regime similar to regimes previously adopted in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
The Commission has proposed to define an “incidental seller of insurance” to mean:
“a person that, in the course of selling or providing goods or services to the person’s customers or clients, solicits, negotiates, sells or arranges insurance, or offers to sell, negotiate or arrange insurance, that relates to those goods or services.”
The types of businesses that would be eligible to obtain a restricted agent licence would be:
• A deposit-taking institution – a bank, credit union, caisse populaire, or loan or trust company;
• A sales finance company – a corporation, other than a financial institution, that provides consumer loans, or provides or arranges for credit;
• A transportation company that provides transportation service for goods;
• An automobile dealership, a watercraft dealership, a recreational vehicle dealership, a farm implement dealership or a construction equipment dealership;
• A mortgage brokerage licensed under the Mortgage Brokers Act;
• A customs brokerage;
• A freight forwarding business;
• A vehicle rental business (incl. construction equipment rentals);
• A portable electronics vendor – a business that sells or leases portable electronic devices or provides the devices in connection with a transaction between the business and a consumer;
• A business engaged by one of these businesses to solicit, negotiate, sell or arrange insurance on its behalf.
The Commission is proposing to allow restricted insurance licence holders and their employees to solicit, negotiate, sell or arrange the following classes or types of insurance:
• Cargo insurance;
• Creditor’s critical illness insurance
• Creditor’s disability insurance
• Creditor’s life insurance
• Creditor’s loss of employment insurance
• Creditor’s vehicle inventory insurance
• Export credit insurance
• Guaranteed asset protection insurance
• Mortgage insurance
• Portable electronics insurance
• Rented-vehicle accidental injury or death insurance
• Rented-vehicle contents insurance
• Rented-vehicle liability insurance
The Commission has indicted that it does not intend to include travel insurance, funeral insurance and equipment warranty insurance within the restricted insurance licensing regimes as some other provinces have done.
With respect to equipment warranty insurance, the Commission confirmed that it does not consider warranties or extended warranties to be insurance where the warranty is sold incidentally to the product and is sold by the “distributor” of the product or an affiliate of the distributor with a non-arm’s length relationship.
Among other requirements, each business that wishes to apply for a restricted insurance licence would be required to be sponsored by an insurer licensed in New Brunswick and to maintain errors and omissions insurance in minimum specified amounts.
The Commission has invited feedback on a number of questions posed in the Consultation Paper. The comment period for providing written submissions ends on January 31, 2020.

FSRA Approves Electronic Version of Insurance Cards

In Canada, each province and territory requires drivers with a registered motor vehicle to have automobile insurance. Insurers must provide proof of such insurance to policyholders, and policyholders must carry proof of automobile insurance with them in the motor vehicle at all times. In Ontario, the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act (the “CAIA“) provides that insurers must issue an “insurance card” to a person with whom a contract of automobile insurance is made or whose contract of auto insurance is renewed.

In Ontario, the provincial government introduced its intention to approve the electronic version of insurance cards under the CAIA in its April 2019 budget, Protecting What Matters Most under the heading “Putting Drivers First Blueprint“, and effective as of September 5, 2019, Ontario became the fourth province to approve the use of electronic proof of insurance, after Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Alberta.

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (“FSRA“), in its September 5, 2019 Bulletin titled “Modernizing automobile insurance – approval of electronic insurance card” (the “FSRA Bulletin“), approved the use of electronic insurance cards in accordance with the provisions of the CAIA.

The FSRA Bulletin provides for a one-year transition period commencing on September 5, 2019 during which insurers must continue to issue the currently approved paper version of the insurance card. Once the transition period expires, consumers will have the option to choose to receive their insurance cards electronically, in paper format or both.

The use of electronic insurance cards in Ontario will be subject to certain conditions including, among other things, the following:

Approved Form

It must contain the same data fields, text and overall appearance as the currently approved paper version and must be pink in colour.

Consent is Required, Use is Optional

The use of electronic insurance cards is optional for both insurers and policyholders, and insurers must obtain the policyholder’s informed consent to the use of electronic insurance cards before issuance.

Accessibility, Retention and Transfer

The electronic insurance card must be accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference and be capable of being retained by another person in compliance with the provisions of the Electronic Commerce Act (Ontario).

The electronic insurance card must also have the capability to be emailed or transferred by the policyholder to a third party, such as law enforcement or permitted users of the motor vehicle.

Privacy and Security

Electronic insurance cards must also comply with the consent requirements under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA“) and have appropriate security safeguards in accordance with the provisions of PIPEDA. In the FSRA Bulletin, FSRA expressly states that an electronic insurance card “must not include features that monitor, track location, or collect, use or disclose personal information, without the policyholder’s knowledge and his or her informed consent”.

In particular, insurers are responsible for ensuring that the electronic version of the insurance card is: (i) in a downloadable form that can be stored in a secure manner on an electronic mobile device, (ii) not able to be edited or altered, and (iii) is able to be viewed using lock screen capability and the insurer must provide clear plain language instructions to policyholders of how to set the locked screen as a default feature.

Risk of Damage to Mobile Devices

Insurers must make it clear to policyholders that if they choose to receive an electronic insurance card, the policyholder assumes any risk or damage that may occur to the mobile device in the hands of a third party, such as law enforcement or Service Ontario.

Caution to Consumers

Whether a policyholder chooses the electronic version or the paper version of the insurance card, operators of motor vehicles are required under the CAIA to have an insurance card in the vehicle for inspection at all times. This requirement applies regardless of any technological problems that may affect a policyholder’s mobile device, such as a drained battery, lack of or diminished cellular service or limited or obstructed visibility of the insurance card due to a damaged screen or other malfunction. FSRA recommends that insurers remind policyholders of their obligations under the CAIA before issuing an electronic insurance card.

Watch for any further updates on FSRA’s website, which can be accessed here.

Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Has Officially Launched

The Ontario government has announced that effective as of June 8, 2019, the new Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario has assumed jurisdiction over those sectors previously regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO).

In making this announcement, Finance Minister Vic Fedeli said “The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Ontario is a modern and innovative regulator with rule-making authority that promotes strong financial services and pensions sectors while protecting the public interest. Its mandate is to be open —open to new ideas, open to business, and open to consumer needs. FSRA has the flexibility to cut red tape, bring products to market quicker and be more responsive to the needs of businesses.” A full copy of the announcement is available here.

FSRA is in the process of reviewing existing regulatory publications which currently reside on the FSCO and DICO websites. A statement has been added to the FSCO webpage which says that “FSRA is actively reviewing all FSCO regulatory direction, including but not limited to forms, guidelines and FAQ. Until FSRA issues new regulatory direction, all existing regulatory direction remains in force.”

Watch for further updates coming on FSRA’s website, which can be accessed here.

Quebec Publishes Regulation Establishing Expectations related to Internet Insurance Offerings

May 15, 2019

The Quebec government today published a new regulation under an Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services (the “Distribution Act”), titled Regulation respecting Alternative Distribution Methods (the “Distribution Reg”). The Distribution Reg addresses issues related to (i) the sale of insurance over the internet without the intermediary of a natural person, and (ii) the offering of insurance products through distributors. With certain exceptions, the provisions of the Distribution Reg will come into effect on June 13, 2019.

With the publication of this new regulation, Quebec has taken the lead in setting clear expectations and standards for insurance intermediaries wanting to offer insurance products over the internet without the necessary involvement of a natural person. A copy of the Distribution Reg is available here.

With respect to internet insurance offerings, the Distribution Reg sets out a number of requirements that must be satisfied by firms wishing to sell insurance through a digital space, including disclosure and record keeping requirements. It also requires firms to ensure that the website clearly makes visible to applicants at all times during the process, the means by which the applicant can interact with a representative. When an applicant wishes to speak with a representative and one is not immediately available, the firm must suspend the transaction.

Firms that intend to offer products and services over the internet without the intermediary of a natural person are required to disclose without delay upon such offering, to the Autorite des marches financiers (the “AMF”):
(1) the name given to the digital space, where this name differs from the name of the firm;
(2) the names of the products and the classes to which they are related or the nature of the financial services offered on the digital space;
(3) the hyperlink or any other means to access the digital space; and
(4) the insurers whose products are offered on the firm’s digital space, if applicable.

Firms must notify the AMF of any change to such information within 30 days of such change.

The firm must also disclose annually to the AMF, the number of financial plans prepared, claims settled and insurance policies issued, the amount of premiums written through the digital space and the number of cases where clients have cancelled their insurance contracts in accordance with section 64 of the Insurers Act (Quebec).

Bill C-86 Amends Certain Provisions of the Insurance Companies Act

Bill C-86, entitled “A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures” (“Bill C-86”), was introduced in the House of Commons on October 29, 2018, and passed second reading with referral to committee on November 6, 2018. Bill C-86 was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance which proposed certain amendments, and the Standing Senate Committees will submit their final reports by December 4, 2018.

Once Bill C-86 comes into force, it will amend certain sections of the Insurance Companies Act (the “ICA”), as well as amend other financial institutions legislation such as the Bank Act and the Trust and Loan Companies Act. Read the text of the latest publication of Bill C-86 here.

If passed, the proposed amendments will, among other things: (i) create new thresholds below which the acquisition of control of, or the acquisition or increase of a substantial investment in, certain entities, including provincially incorporated trust, loan or insurance corporations, provincially incorporated cooperative credit societies, securities dealers, financial intermediaries, and specialized financing entities, will not require the approval of the superintendent of financial institutions (the “Superintendent”), (ii) permit minority investments in the new business growth fund, (iii) permit customers to consent electronically to the receipt of electronic documents, and (iv) clarify that disclosure of privileged information to the Superintendent will not constitute a waiver of privilege.

Control thresholds

Under the current version of the ICA, subject to certain exceptions, companies (as such term is defined in the ICA) must obtain the approval of the Superintendent in order to acquire control of, or acquire or increase a substantial investment in, the permitted entities described above.

Bill C-86 proposes to add to the existing exceptions by creating new thresholds for determining control, and the acquisition or increase of a substantial investment without taking control, of the entities described above, under which the Superintendent’s approval would no longer be required. The new thresholds for control would provide an exception for acquisitions where the target entity’s consolidated assets would constitute less than one percent of the acquiring company’s total consolidated assets in the case of an acquiring company with equity of 12 billion dollars or more, and two percent of the acquiring company’s total consolidated assets in the case of any other acquiring company.

The new thresholds for acquisition or increase of a substantial investment would provide an exception for acquisitions where the value of the shares, or ownership interests in, the target entity to be acquired, directly or indirectly, or acquired within the prior 12 months, by the acquiring company or a subsidiary of the company would constitute less than half a percent of the acquiring company’s total consolidated assets in the case of a company with equity of 12 billion dollars or more, and one percent of the acquiring company’s total consolidated assets in the case of any other company.

Business growth fund

Bill C-86 would permit a company, or a fraternal benefit society, and its subsidiaries to invest a maximum of 200 million dollars in the new Canadian Business Growth Fund (GP) Inc., a CBCA company (defined as the “business growth fund” in Bill C-86). The Advisory Council on Economic Growth recommended the creation of a private sector led growth fund in its report titled “Unlocking Innovation to Drive Scale and Growth”. Read the report here. According to the report, the business growth fund will be led and financed by financial institutions and is expected to address the gap in growth financing for small to medium-sized firms through the purchase of minority stakes or unsecured debt for approved growth and expansion projects. The proposed amendments set limits on the amount of ownership companies can acquire in the business growth fund.

Consent may be given electronically

Under the existing language of section 1037 of the ICA, receipt of an electronic notice or document is not valid unless the addressee has consented to receive documents and notices in electronic format. Bill C-86 proposes to add to section 1037 by providing that a customer may give consent electronically to the receipt of documents or notices in electronic form. If passed, we expect that this amendment would make it easier for insurance companies to comply with the consent requirements relating to the transmission of electronic documents.

No waiver of privilege

Although the ICA currently prohibits supervisory information from being used as evidence in any civil proceedings, Bill C-86 would provide greater certainty that disclosure by a company of any information that is subject to privilege would not constitute a waiver of privilege. The proposed amendment would also prohibit the Superintendent from disclosing any privileged information to any person whose functions include the investigation or prosecution of offences under any act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province. Corresponding changes have been made to section 37 of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act.

We will keep you informed on the progress of Bill C-86 and its effect on the ICA.

New Privacy Breach Reporting Requirements In Force

On November 1st, the new Breach of Security Safeguards Regulations  (the “Breach Regulations“) under the Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA“) came into force. See the link to the Breach Regulations here.

Under the Breach Regulations, both small and large organizations now have an obligation to:

  1. Report breaches of security safeguards involving personal information to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (the “OPC“) where there is a real risk of significant harm.
  2. Notify affected individuals and notify appropriate government organizations.
  3. Keep a record of every breach of security safeguards.

The OPC has published guidance related to the Breach Regulations, titled “What you need to know about mandatory reporting of breaches of security safeguards”. See the link here.

Reporting A Breach of Security Safeguards

PIPEDA defines a “breach of security safeguards” as “the loss of, unauthorized access to or unauthorized disclosure of personal information resulting from a breach of an organization’s security safeguards that are referred to in clause 4.7 of Schedule 1 [of PIPEDA] or from a failure to establish those safeguards”. The definition contemplates that even the loss of a USB key or a laptop would constitute a “breach of security safeguards”.

The reporting obligations do not require that an organization report all breaches to the OPC. The reporting obligations apply where the breach involves personal information that is under organization’s control, and when it is reasonable to believe that the breach creates a “real risk of significant harm”.

Determining whether there is a “real risk of significant harm” requires, among other things, an analysis of the sensitivity of the personal information involved and the probability that the personal information will be misused. According to the OPC, “significant harm” includes bodily harm, humiliation, damage to reputation or relationships, loss of employment, business or professional opportunities, financial loss, identity theft, negative effects on the credit record and damage to or loss of property. Neither PIPEDA nor the new Breach Regulations define “sensitivity”. However, Principal 4.3.4 of PIPEDA provides the names and addresses of subscribers to some special-interest magazines as an example of personal information that would likely be considered sensitive.

Under the Breach Regulations, an organization is also responsible for reporting a breach of security safeguards where there is a real risk of significant harm by a third-party service provider. The OPC expects that, in such an event, both the service provider and the organization will submit reports to the OPC.

Organizations may report certain information to the extent that it is available at the time of reporting and an organization may update the report at a later date.

Notifying Affected Individuals and Organizations

The Breach Regulations require that organizations notify affected individuals as soon as feasible in the event of a breach where there is a real risk of significant harm, and that organizations notify affected individuals directly. Depending on the sensitivity of the personal information and the real risk of significant harm, the organization may need to, in some cases, notify affected individuals prior to submitting its report to the OPC.

The Breach Regulations provide that the notification to affected individuals must include information sufficient to allow the affected individuals to understand the significance of the breach and to take any available steps to reduce the risk of harm that may result from the breach.

The Breach Regulations further provide that there are limited circumstances where direct notification may not be required, and an organization may provide indirect notification. Indirect notification may be given in circumstances where direct notification may cause further harm to the individuals, direct notification would cause undue hardship for the organization, or the organization does not have contact information for the affected individual.

In addition to the requirement to notify affected individuals, organizations are required to notify any other government organizations or institutions that the organization believes may be able to reduce the risk of harm to individuals.

Record Keeping

Although the reporting requirements under the Breach Regulations apply to breaches where there is a real risk of significant harm, the record keeping requirements apply to every breach, regardless of the risk of harm. Records of breaches must contain enough information to allow the OPC to confirm compliance with the Breach Regulations and PIPEDA, including an explanation of why, in cases where a breach was not reported, the breach was determined not to pose a real risk of significant harm. Breach records must be kept for two years, or longer as may be required in accordance with applicable law or related internal record-keeping requirements.

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