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Insurance & Reinsurance in Canada – 2014

IR2014 Canada - Cover Page

The 2014 publication of Getting the Deal Through, is now available, and includes our updated summary guide to the regulation of insurance and reinsurance in Canada.   Click here for access to a pdf version of the Canadian chapter.

NEW – This year we are also pleased to be able to provide iPad users with complimentary access to the entire 2014 edition of Getting the Deal Through – Insurance & Reinsurance.  This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the key insurance and reinsurance issues in 23 countries (which includes the Canadian chapter written by Walker Sorensen LLP).   Instructions on how to gain access using your iPad are found here.  You will need an iPad and an iTunes account.  The Sponsor and Reference codes are as follows:

Sponsor:   INR2014

Reference:  20JUN14

We also have a limited number of hard copies of this publication, which are available on request.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – Insurance & Reinsurance 2014, (published in June 2014; contributing editor: E Paul Kanefsky, Edwards WIldman Palmer LLP) For further information please visit www.GettingTheDealThrough.com.”


Cedants to Unregistered Reinsurers Reminded to Confirm Reinsurance Security Agreement Legal Opinions

OSFI Reinsurance Security AgreementsIn December 2010, OSFI released its Guidance for Reinsurance Agreements, which sets out OSFI’s expectations with respect to Reinsurance Security Agreements (“RSAs”) where capital/asset credit is being sought by a Canadian licensed insurer that has ceded risks to an unlicensed foreign reinsurer. In order to obtain capital/asset credit when an RSA has been entered into, the Canadian licensed cedant must obtain a legal opinion asserting that a valid and enforceable security interest, that has priority over any other security interest in the pledged assets, has been or will be created in its favour for the type of assets covered by the legal opinion. This legal opinion must then be filed with OSFI’s Securities Administration Unit.

In addition, OSFI has stated that it expects companies to have a Board, or committee of the Board, approved policy requiring management to confirm to the Board, or committee thereof, from time to time but at a minimum once every two years, that a valid and enforceable security interest that has priority over any other security interest in the pledged assets continues to be created in their favour, including where changes have been made to personal property security legislation or securities transfer legislation in the province or territory where the assets are held. OSFI states that the confirmation should either state that the opinion may still be relied upon or that subsequent changes to legislation do not affect the validity of the opinion or, alternatively, a new opinion can be provided.

Canadian licensed cedants are reminded that these confirmations are necessary every two years at a minimum, and are encouraged to be in contact with the legal firms who originally provided the RSA opinions in order to obtain such confirmation. You can see the full text of OSFI’s Guidance for Reinsurance Agreements by clicking here.

OSFI Releases Advisory on Changes to the Membership of the Board and Senior Management

Adv May 2014The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) today released the final version of its Advisory on Changes to the Membership of the Board and Senior Management, which comes into effect immediately.

The Advisory requires all federally regulated financial institutions (FRFI) to provide early written notice to their OSFI Relationship Manager of their preferred candidate for all appointments and elections to Senior Management and Director positions.  OSFI expects the notice to be provided as early as possible in the FRFI’s appointment or election process.

The full text of the Advisory can be found here.

Insurance & Reinsurance in Canada

GTDT CoverOur summary guide to the regulation of insurance and reinsurance in Canada published in Getting the Deal Through, is available here.

Authored by John L. Walker, Sean G. Sorensen and Margaret Pak.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – Insurance & Reinsurance 2013, (published in July, 2013; contributing editor: E Paul Kanefsky, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP).

For further information please visit www.GettingTheDealThrough.com .

OSFI’s New Corporate Governance Guideline

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OSFI has released its new Corporate Governance Guideline (the “Guideline”), which sets out its corporate governance expectations for all federally regulated financial institutions (other than foreign branches).

Walker Sorensen LLP is pleased to announce its association with Independent Review Inc. and RiskOnBoard Inc. as THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW GROUP (“IRG”).   IRG has been established to assist financial institutions in complying with the requirements under the new Guideline.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about how IRG can help your institution comply with the Guideline’s requirement.  Or click here to learn more about IRG.

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